Catering Form

A selection of Katherine’s home-cooked dishes.

Each dish will be labelled with exact ingredients and cooking instructions.

Traditional family favourite – minced beef, topped with creamy mashed potato.
Tender pieces of chicken and leek in a creamy sauce, topped with puff pastry.
Traditional recipe with minced beef, tomatoes, pasta and cheese sauce – everyone’s favourite!
Classic recipe – deep filling of bacon, eggs, cream and cheese in Katherine’s tasty home- made pastry.
Mixed roast vegetables made with Katherine’s delicious pastry.
Deep filling of home grown apples encased in rich short crust pastry.
As above with rhubarb from the garden.
A rich, dark chocolate mousse made with cream and a touch of brandy … delicious with fresh fruit salad.
Lightly iced, fruity ‘Victoria’ sponge cake suitable for afternoon tea or as a dessert with whipped cream.
As above, but for those who prefer blueberries to raspberries!
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